Helping children, families and their communities in Haiti

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Boys & Girls Orphanage
Jacmel, Haiti

Marbial, Haiti

Marbial, Haiti

We have partnered with Faith & Love In Action (FLA) since 2002 to offer financial assistance to support the needs of the children at the boys and girls orphanage in Jacmel, Haiti. Our child sponsors in Canada through their generous financial contributions, love and support have provided many wonderful opportunities for the children. FLA provides a loving Christian home, every child receives an education, nutritious meals and medical attention. The financial donations provided by Faith & Love Children's Ministry (FLCM) are well used and multiply in their blessings for the children at the orphanage. We are so proud of the work FLA has done to raise, love and nurture so many children who would have otherwise struggled to survive.

Faith & Love Children's Ministry (FLCM) has been working along side Faith & Love In Action (FLA) to help strengthen the remote community of Marbial, Haiti. With the re-construction of their church / community centre and the construction of their school the people of Marbial now have access to an education. For the children of Marbial this will be a legacy for future generations to help provide better lives for themselves and their families. In addition we have worked with FLA to provide an agricultural program for the community. The seed program and hands on farming classes have been a great success. Families have been able to grow, harvest and sell crops to help support their families. Development of a well for clean water at the school and church is currently underway. We are very excited to be able to assist the community with a source of renewable and sustainable fresh water in the near future.

Many of the children at the Faith & Love In Action (FLA) orphanage in Jacmel come from the remote mountain community of Marbial, Haiti. It has been a blessing to help support many of the children and parents of Marbial and the surrounding communities. In 2010 Faith & Love Children's Minsitry (FLCM) sent a team of men to work side by side with FLA. We constructed a five classroom school "Centre de Formation Chretienne de Marbial" (CFCM) translated to english Christian Education Centre of Marbial. We returned again in 2012 and added two additional classrooms and rebuilt the church / community centre that was destroyed in the 2010 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated many areas in Haiti. There are now 350+ children attending the school from K to grade 7. We currently have a feeding program at the school that provides a nutritious meal three times a week.

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